ING Activities In Addiction Recovery

ING activities are any task, activity or hobby that ends in ing, for example running, cycling, painting, walking, exercising, travelling, flying and others. They’re vital in addiction recovery if we’re going to gain the most from our recovery efforts and put us on a healthy, positive road that’s sustainable, but just as importantly, ENJOYABLE!

Substance Use In Households

Growing up in a household where parents or siblings use, abuse, misuse or are addicted to drugs or alcohol means an increased risk of our children also developing a drug and alcohol addiction in the future. The only way to break this cycle is to seek help today from our sister site Thinking Therapies orContinue reading “Substance Use In Households”

DnD Courses, Workshops And Masterclasses Coming In Jan 2022

This course is currently being designed by industry experts, recovering addicts, addiction campaigners, leading academic researchers and biological scientists to provide a “one stop shop” course to move you from your current situation, no matter whether you are at rock bottom or living an average life in recovery that you would like to improve on, there’s something for everyone.

Doing The Things That You Really Don’t Want To Do Are The Exact Things That You Should Be Doing!

Everyone experiences a lack of motivation from time to time and when it comes to addiction or recovery, we often put off doing certain things because they may seem to hard to do, we become too scared or fear certain things, we procrastinate, or we maybe even feeling that we aren’t actually worth changing or improving ourselves. There are many other reasons why we put off doing certain things, and I’m sure that you could come up with a list as long as your arm! However as tough as these things may seem to be, they’re the exact things that we need to be doing if we want to make any true, meaningful, long-term recovery.

Find our tips, tricks and ways to change your thought processes in this article with loads, loads more!

May Is Mental Health Awareness Month 2021 – Time To Get Involved And Save Lives!

Mental Health Awareness Month is a national month-long observance that was first established in the United States in 1949. It focuses on raising awareness about and educating the general public about mental health, mental health conditions, seeking help for those who’re struggling with their mental health and removing the stigma that still exists in some areas of society.

The month is used to not only bring attention to the many different mental health conditions that people can struggle with, but also to enforce the importance of getting help if you need it as well as shed light on mental health treatment options.

With the involvement of COVID-19 affecting everyone’s mental health, your involvement in this year’s mental health month is more important than ever. Find out more and how you can get involved to benefit you and those around you in 2021. Your involvement can even save lives!…

Are You Making Amends With Those You’ve Hurt In Your Active Addiction? Find Out How Here!

One big part of recovering from a addiction to alcohol or drugs is to attempt to make amends for the past mistakes, guilt, embarrassment, shame or harm that you caused as a result of your active addiction to substances.

However, we often don’t even realise that our behaviour is harmful or negative toward ourselves or others until we enter recovery. As our mind becomes clearer once again, we begin to see the scale of damage that we’ve caused to ourselves, as well as all of the relationships we damaged with family, friends, colleagues, employers and others.
This article will help guide you through the process of making amends with others, working fellowships steps 8 & 9 and overcoming the damage that’s been done as a direct result of your substance use.

4 Tips For Asking For Help When Needed

Asking for help usually means you must admit to something you’d prefer not to mention, asking for help means you must admit you need other people and asking for help means you can’t do something by yourself.

It is often said that admitting to yourself that you have a problem with drugs or alcohol is the first step. And while that is a big step – the next one, maybe even bigger: asking for help from someone else.

Here are 4 top tips to remember when asking someone else for help to overcome your addiction to substances.

How My Friends And Social Life Changed In Recovery

When I was first presented with this idea, I naturally balked. These were my friends and this was my life. Wasn’t it enough that I was going to stop drinking and using? It’s these questions that we must contend with in our social life. Keep reading to find out more!…

Just One Small Example Of What A Child Of An Addicted Parent Had Experienced

We thought we’d share this small true story with you as an example of the types of traumas and daily struggles that most children of addicted parent(s) experience on a daily basis, often multiple times a day, each and every day.

‘Benadryl Challenge’ on TikTok Is Dangerous, Experts Say

Teens and children are intentionally overdosing on the over-the-counter antihistamine as part of a social media “challenge” that may have already turned deadly.

The situation has concerned officials at the Food and Drug Administration in the US and the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s enough that they issued a warning against the “serious problems” that can occur if you ingest too much Benadryl.

The online video encourages viewers to take excessive doses of Benadryl (diphenhydramine) to induce hallucinations.

This challenge reared is ugly head in 2020, but is unfortunately now reappearing in greater numbers while many people find themselves to be confined at home in lockdown for the Coronavirus Pandemic.

That’s why reading this article and sharing it with others could save more lives that you may realise, simply by spending it 30 seconds sharing it with others!…