Substance Use In Households

Growing up in a household where parents or siblings use, abuse, misuse or are addicted to drugs or alcohol means an increased risk of our children also developing a drug and alcohol addiction in the future. The only way to break this cycle is to seek help today from our sister site Thinking Therapies orContinue reading “Substance Use In Households”

The Role Abuse, PTSD & Adverse Childhood Experiences Play In Addiction

Abuse comes in many shapes and forms, some obvious and others are extremely subtle in the way that the abuse takes place. Abuse can occur at any age, by anyone, toward anyone, so please don’t think that just because you’re an adult now, that abuse cannot happen. This is why being aware of the various forms of abuse is so important.

In this article, we will look at the role abuse plays in childhood, adults and the elderly. We cover domestic violence and we will also look at adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), their roles and how they cause knock on effects throughout their lives.

How Do I Know If I Am An Addict Or Have A Tendency Towards Addiction?Use Our Addiction Screening Tool To Find Out

We thought we’d go back to basics for those who don’t know anything about addiction, what an addict is, what defines addiction and what options are available.

Knowing the difference between recreational using or drinking and addiction or dependency can be a challenging thing to define. This article will help you to separate addiction from recreational use.

Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome – Babies Born Addicts

Pregnant women who use substances regularly (both drugs and alcohol) may deliver newborn babies who are born dependent on the same substances as their mother, because substances are passed between mother and baby through their umbilical chord.

This also can affect the growth and development of the fetus, along with causing issues that will affect them throughout their later life.

Find out all you need to know about NAS and more, including treatment options and help and support for those who may be/are or wanting to become pregnant, but are substance dependent or on a MAT program.

Accept Help And Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For It Either! Find Out How You Can Get Help & Help Others In Addiction & Recovery

Trying to face the world alone in recovery is like trying to ice a cake without baking a cake underneath first of all!

Humans have social tendencies engrained in this DNA from hunter gatherer days when we were still living in caves.
Cave men couldn’t eat if they didn’t work together with others to stalk and kill their prey from subsistence hunting and trying to go it alone in recovery is very similar.

Find out some of our tips and tricks to learning new skills and helping others.

Trouble For Our Food Banks This Coming Christmas, So We’re Asking For Your Help & We Will Put Our Money Where Our Mouth Is Too!

We know that COVID pandemic has added unnecessary pressure to families who are already struggling with addictions, COVID isolation and more.
That’s why we have decided to ask for your help. To help our food banks who will be helping our most in need this year and do not have all of the items they otherwise would have if we weren’t in the same situation we are now!

For every pack bought by our DnD family, use the hashtag mentioned in the article and send us the pic and we will buy another to the same value in your name! What could be easier?!…

The Use And Misuse Of Prescribed Opioids And The Risk Of Subsequent Addiction

Opioids & opiates are supposed to be a short term solution for moderate to severe pain. However, so many people are on them for so long, that they have become physically and psychologically dependent on them, firstly because they enjoy the way they make them feel and secondly, to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

Unfortunately, the ever increasing epidemic of opioid addiction is ravaging nations around the world, killing people unnecessarily, for a health condition that is treatable!

Find out all you need to know about opioids, addiction, pregnancy, overdoses, death withdrawal symptoms and treatment options and much more!…