The Scale Of The Alcohol Problem In The UK

Statistics like this show the real scale of the problem the UK faces when it comes to alcohol abuse and addiction.

Sneak Peek – Huge Announcement That Will Truly Change Lives Coming In 3 Days!

On Monday, we unveil our official press release for a huge, groundbreaking announcement that will truly shake up the recovery and homeless world like never before. Do you want a clue? Keep reading to find out!…

According To New Research, People Tend To Believe That Psychology Is A “Feminine” Discipline

Despite the fact that psychology students are more likely to be women than men, and that women outnumber men in the clinical psychology workforce, women in psychology publish less, receive fewer citations and are underrepresented at senior positions within University departments. This juxtaposition of over and underrepresentation poses an interesting question about how people perceive gender roles within the field. Find out why this may be, along with more information about their research experiment and what their findings may show.

Drug Use Isn’t Just Bad For Humans – It’s Impacting Animals And Marine Life Too

A new study has shed light on how drugs taken by humans can affect fish. The study showed that brown trout exposed to methamphetamine in their water changed their behaviour, brain function and had long term effects upon their behaviour and natural processes.

Around 269 million people worldwide use drugs each year, and the byproducts end up in our sewers. Sewage treatment plants don’t routinely filter out drugs. One study estimates it’d cost over £36 million to upgrade wastewater treatment plants to remove these chemicals in England and Wales alone.

In a recent study published in the Journal of Experimental Biology, researchers in the Czech Republic investigated how methamphetamine – a stimulant with a growing number of users worldwide – might be affecting wild brown trout.

They examined whether concentrations of methamphetamine and one of its byproducts, amphetamine, which were estimated from other studies that have measured illicit drug concentrations in waterways, could be detected in the brains of brown trout. They also looked at whether these concentrations were enough to cause the animals to become addicted.

To find out what the full results of this study show, how it may affect you and what you can do to help can all be found inside our article!

Study: Doctors Are Pressurised To Prescribe Opioid Based Medications When Asked Much Later In The Day

The authors of a recent study on opioid use and found another startling factor that might be adding to the ever increasing opioid crisis: the increasing rate of opioid prescribing.

Hannah Neprash, an assistant professor at the University of Minnesota and Michael Barnett, an internal medicine specialist practicing in multiple hospitals around Boston, found that physicians are more likely to prescribe opioids as their shift progresses and appointments fall behind schedule when Doctors are to talk to the patient, assess or examine them and refer them to other specialties or prescribe medications in a 10-15 minute window.

Check out the surprising results from this highly illuminating study on this increasing, worldwide issue that’s adding more pressure on the current opioid crisis in developed nations.

It’s Time To Give Up the Addict Identity And Become Who Or What You Want To Be

Escaping from active drug and alcohol addiction involves more than just giving up and stopping the physical consumption of alcohol and drugs. The addict will also need to give up, amend or develop a certain parts of their own identity.

For years, the addicts life will have revolved around acquiring and using substance (both drugs and alcohol). This will have impacted not only how they view the world around them, but also how they see themselves.

When they give all this up, it will often leave a hole in their life. Those who carry their “addict identity” with them into recovery often struggle to find success away from their addiction. One of the hardest challenges for people in early sobriety/abstinence is to build a new identity for themselves which doesn’t revolve around substances.

That’s the aim of this article, to help you give up the “addict identity” and become who you want to be and do whatever you want to!

Could You Be Sober Curious?

For those who are sick of all the negative consequences that alcohol consumption can carry with it, the sober curious movement may be for you.

A relatively new concept, but one that’s going from strength to strength in these modern times where health and well-being are becoming more important than the labels hardcore drinkers gain on those messy nights out. Find out all you need to know here!

May Is Mental Health Awareness Month 2021 – Time To Get Involved And Save Lives!

Mental Health Awareness Month is a national month-long observance that was first established in the United States in 1949. It focuses on raising awareness about and educating the general public about mental health, mental health conditions, seeking help for those who’re struggling with their mental health and removing the stigma that still exists in some areas of society.

The month is used to not only bring attention to the many different mental health conditions that people can struggle with, but also to enforce the importance of getting help if you need it as well as shed light on mental health treatment options.

With the involvement of COVID-19 affecting everyone’s mental health, your involvement in this year’s mental health month is more important than ever. Find out more and how you can get involved to benefit you and those around you in 2021. Your involvement can even save lives!…

There Are Four Kinds Of Drunken Personality (Among Students, At Least) Which One Are You?

New, preliminary evidence suggests that University undergrad students who drink alcohol fall into four different, colourful types, each with a particular shift in personality when under the influence of alcohol.

The findings could increase our understanding of why some students behave in harmful ways when drunk while others usually don’t.

How My Friends And Social Life Changed In Recovery

When I was first presented with this idea, I naturally balked. These were my friends and this was my life. Wasn’t it enough that I was going to stop drinking and using? It’s these questions that we must contend with in our social life. Keep reading to find out more!…