ING Activities In Addiction Recovery

ING activities are any task, activity or hobby that ends in ing, for example running, cycling, painting, walking, exercising, travelling, flying and others. They’re vital in addiction recovery if we’re going to gain the most from our recovery efforts and put us on a healthy, positive road that’s sustainable, but just as importantly, ENJOYABLE!

Getting Butterflies? Feeling Like Those Flutters Taking Off? Use The Butterfly Hug Technique!

We all experience times when things just get too much, and these can be really scary, especially when you aren’t expecting them. However, having a technique that you can use to rapidly help can be a real comfort, especially when mentally it seems like nothing and no one can help in those scary moments in time.

Make sure that you learn this simple, adaptable and versatile coping strategy to add to your recovery toolbox. It’s one easy technique, but one that can pack a punch alone or in conjunction with other coping strategies!

The Role That Water And Hydration Play In Addiction And Recovery

Water is essential for the body to function. The human body is made up of 65% water, which is needed for various processes and reactions such as circulation, metabolism, body temperature and waste removal. If the body doesn’t have enough water, these physiological processes can be impaired.

The brain and heart are composed of 73% water, the lungs are about 83% water, the skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79% and even your bones are made up of 31% water! You can now see why it’s so important to keep yourself hydrated if you want your body and mind to function optimally and as healthily as possible.

Reading this article will give you top tips and tricks to improve your fluid intake, recognise the signs of dehydration, over hydration and much, much more!

Solutions Create Solutions

How you look at your situation, circumstances and life generally will determine how you overcome obstacles and whether changes you make will stick for the long haul.

Nicotine Vs. Dopamine – The Chemical Messenger War And Why People Who Try To Quit Nicotine Keep Failing

Over 95% of people who quit nicotine (smoking, vaping or chewing) without help return to the same habit within approximately 6 months or less.

Our research findings have been proven effective for smoking cessation over and over again. If you’re really serious about quitting smoking, you need to check out our article, it’s one you won’t want to miss!

The Neuroscience Of Gratitude And How It Affects Anxiety, Depression And Mental Health

Did you know just how important it is to show gratitude for what you have or are provided with? If you are blessed with the perfect family, a good job or an ideal one that you’ve always wanted to do, stable finances with some money tucked away for a rainy day or a healthy life, you should be grateful. Even being grateful for the little things in your life can make a real difference to your mental wellbeing, provide an improvement in mood and optimism, as well as motivate you to seek more improvements in your life and for those around you.

Keep reading if you want to know more about the science behind gratitude and how it can benefit you, your mental health, physical health and recovery from substances with our top 10 tips.

May Is Mental Health Awareness Month 2021 – Time To Get Involved And Save Lives!

Mental Health Awareness Month is a national month-long observance that was first established in the United States in 1949. It focuses on raising awareness about and educating the general public about mental health, mental health conditions, seeking help for those who’re struggling with their mental health and removing the stigma that still exists in some areas of society.

The month is used to not only bring attention to the many different mental health conditions that people can struggle with, but also to enforce the importance of getting help if you need it as well as shed light on mental health treatment options.

With the involvement of COVID-19 affecting everyone’s mental health, your involvement in this year’s mental health month is more important than ever. Find out more and how you can get involved to benefit you and those around you in 2021. Your involvement can even save lives!…

Why Do We Have A Strong Urge To Find Out What Might Have Been — Even When This Leads To Feelings Of Regret?

Given the aversive experience of regret, traditional models of decision-making predict that people should to try to avoid it. But of course, the picture is more complex — we all have experienced the desire to know “what might have been”, even if it leads to regret. Now a study in Psychological Science, led by Lily FitzGibbon at the University of Reading, finds that the lure of finding out what might have been is surprisingly enticing.

As an extra bonus, you’ll find our 10 top tips for dealing With the regret surrounding past deeds while in addiction and/or recovery and what you can do next.

Journaling In Addiction And Recovery – Our Ultimate Guide

The aim of this ultimate guide is to provide you with all of the best and latest information, research and advice, tips and tricks behind the basics of journaling (diary writing), look at the various ways you can do it and provide you with ideas and suggestions to get you going if you’ve never tried writing your thoughts and feelings down on paper before. We also look at the science surrounding journaling and improving your physical health, mental health, addiction and recovery.

You will also find over 40 prompts to get you going if you’re new to this concept, or if your minds gone blank or you can’t think of a thing to write, these topics will give you a great nudge in the right direction for your journaling for your addiction, physical health, mental health and recovery journey.

If it’s not in this ultimate guide, it’s not worth knowing!…

How Hangovers Work

Here’s what we know, what we don’t know and how you can use this information to minimise your suffering.

There are many myths and old wives tales that tell you how to avoid hangovers or how to cure them once you have one, but what does the science say about them? Can we actually avoid hangovers or get rid of them with a magic cure?

Keep reading to find out more!…