Help Us To Help You Competition


Simply complete our very short feedback form at the bottom of this article and you could be in for a chance to win 1 of 10 free bottles of pure Recovery Oil! T&C’s can be found at the bottom of this article.

We do what we do because we want to help each and every one of you to get clean and sober, and to stay that way! However we can only do that with your help.

After undertaking rigorous assessments, product trials and with the latest research findings in various relevant fields, we designed products that are intended to help you.

However even with all of the information and research we’ve gathered, it doesn’t compare to value that your personal opinions and needs hold for us.

Closing date for this competition is 2nd September 2021 & 10 winners will be chosen at random. Once the winners have been chosen, you will be contacted by email so make sure you keep an eye on your email inbox around that time.

Only You Can Change You – MOTW

Although we need the help of other addicts, healthcare professionals and therapists to show us that there is an enjoyable life to be lived in recovery, and to realise that healing from active addiction is possible, only we can change what happens to us today, tomorrow, next year or over the next decade.

If you don’t like your current situation, only you, and you alone have the power and creativity to shape it into whatever or whoever we want to be, what we want to do or how we go about getting there…

Change Your Perspective On Your Life And Circumstances

Changing your perspective on your situation also helps to change what outcomes and possibilities are open to you.

Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a solution or conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously by one or more people.

This great tool will help you to realise potential solutions or options to overcome your current circumstances and get you to where you want to go or achieve things that you want to achieve.

Drug Use Isn’t Just Bad For Humans – It’s Impacting Animals And Marine Life Too

A new study has shed light on how drugs taken by humans can affect fish. The study showed that brown trout exposed to methamphetamine in their water changed their behaviour, brain function and had long term effects upon their behaviour and natural processes.

Around 269 million people worldwide use drugs each year, and the byproducts end up in our sewers. Sewage treatment plants don’t routinely filter out drugs. One study estimates it’d cost over £36 million to upgrade wastewater treatment plants to remove these chemicals in England and Wales alone.

In a recent study published in the Journal of Experimental Biology, researchers in the Czech Republic investigated how methamphetamine – a stimulant with a growing number of users worldwide – might be affecting wild brown trout.

They examined whether concentrations of methamphetamine and one of its byproducts, amphetamine, which were estimated from other studies that have measured illicit drug concentrations in waterways, could be detected in the brains of brown trout. They also looked at whether these concentrations were enough to cause the animals to become addicted.

To find out what the full results of this study show, how it may affect you and what you can do to help can all be found inside our article!

The Role Rituals, Habits And OCD Play In Addiction And Recovery

One of the hardest parts of battling an addiction of any form (in this case, drugs and alcohol) is the cessation of rituals, habits and compulsions to do something in a set order or the same way every single time.

Certain things trigger the urge to use or drink, even things such as getting up in the morning, getting into the car, coming home from work, seeing certain people, doing certain activities and many, many others. As people living with an addiction, we build our lives around our illness. It is the centerpiece of our existence when our world becomes totally insular.

Find out what habits, rituals and compulsions are, what Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and how it can worsen those habits and rituals, along with treatment and coping strategies to manage and change those deep seated habits and rituals that have been built over months, years or even decades of chronic substance use and dependency.

Can You Cure Yourself of A Drug Addiction, Simply By Wanting It? Actor Charlie Sheen Seems To Think So!

Actor Charlie Sheen, known for his heavy cocaine and alcohol use, has been stating in interviews that he freed himself of his drug habit “simply by closing my eyes and make it so” according to him.

Is this public display damaging the hard work that those in the recovery field work so hard to build upon, and the addicts who come to succeed in their recovery thanks to various coping strategies, organisations and fellowship groups?

Find out all you need to know inside this article!…

Who Would You Give To, A Homeless Dad Or A Homeless Addict?

With a pair of cardboard signs, prankster Coby Persin conducted a social experiment that tested the consciences of New Yorkers.

Would you be more likely to give money to a homeless man who says he will use it for drugs and alcohol, or a homeless father with a coughing child beside him?

Find out how the experiment went and let us know by commenting below our article, or through our social media platforms, have a think, what you would do?…

You Could Save A life Simply By following Us!

Journaling In Addiction And Recovery – Our Ultimate Guide

The aim of this ultimate guide is to provide you with all of the best and latest information, research and advice, tips and tricks behind the basics of journaling (diary writing), look at the various ways you can do it and provide you with ideas and suggestions to get you going if you’ve never tried writing your thoughts and feelings down on paper before. We also look at the science surrounding journaling and improving your physical health, mental health, addiction and recovery.

You will also find over 40 prompts to get you going if you’re new to this concept, or if your minds gone blank or you can’t think of a thing to write, these topics will give you a great nudge in the right direction for your journaling for your addiction, physical health, mental health and recovery journey.

If it’s not in this ultimate guide, it’s not worth knowing!…