ING Activities In Addiction Recovery

ING activities are any task, activity or hobby that ends in ing, for example running, cycling, painting, walking, exercising, travelling, flying and others. They’re vital in addiction recovery if we’re going to gain the most from our recovery efforts and put us on a healthy, positive road that’s sustainable, but just as importantly, ENJOYABLE!

How To Help Addicts Stay Safe During This Unprecedented Heatwave And Our Top Hot Weather Life Hacks!

Most of us welcome some warm, sunny weather, it can be nice to enjoy the sunshine and science even provides us with evidence that it can improve our mood, energy levels, motivation to make and maintain change, as well as improving our physical bodily functions as well as our general mental well-being.

However, when it’s too hot for too long, there are serious possible health risks that we need to keep in mind. In England alone, there are on average 2000 heat related deaths every single year, and that’s not even taking into consideration the current unprecedented level 3 heatwave we’re all experiencing!

Keep reading to find out how you can stay safe in this weather, how it can negatively impact those with active substance addictions (both drugs and alcohol) and those in recovery, what to watch out for, how you can help yourself and others, and finally but by no means least, our top tips and heatwave heat hacks to keep you cool and comfortable.

The Role That Water And Hydration Play In Addiction And Recovery

Water is essential for the body to function. The human body is made up of 65% water, which is needed for various processes and reactions such as circulation, metabolism, body temperature and waste removal. If the body doesn’t have enough water, these physiological processes can be impaired.

The brain and heart are composed of 73% water, the lungs are about 83% water, the skin contains 64% water, muscles and kidneys are 79% and even your bones are made up of 31% water! You can now see why it’s so important to keep yourself hydrated if you want your body and mind to function optimally and as healthily as possible.

Reading this article will give you top tips and tricks to improve your fluid intake, recognise the signs of dehydration, over hydration and much, much more!

University Students Ultimate Guide To Drugs, Alcohol And Addiction

Going to university is as much about experiencing your first taste of freedom and independence as it is about preparing for your career and any other postgraduate training you may need to do for your job of choice.

For many young adults, going to a university is the first opportunity they have to live away from their parents. It can all be very exciting. Yet all of this new freedom and the experiences that you’ll shortly face means being suddenly faced with a lot of unfamiliar choices and new possible temptations, some involving the temptation or social pressure to use alcohol and drugs.

This article is designed to give you brief, yet full overview of drugs, alcohol and addiction that may come from chronically misusing substances. You’ll find tips, tricks and so much more!…

Solutions Create Solutions

How you look at your situation, circumstances and life generally will determine how you overcome obstacles and whether changes you make will stick for the long haul.

Only You Can Change You – MOTW

Although we need the help of other addicts, healthcare professionals and therapists to show us that there is an enjoyable life to be lived in recovery, and to realise that healing from active addiction is possible, only we can change what happens to us today, tomorrow, next year or over the next decade.

If you don’t like your current situation, only you, and you alone have the power and creativity to shape it into whatever or whoever we want to be, what we want to do or how we go about getting there…

Change Your Perspective On Your Life And Circumstances

Changing your perspective on your situation also helps to change what outcomes and possibilities are open to you.

Brainstorming is a group creativity technique by which efforts are made to find a solution or conclusion for a specific problem by gathering a list of ideas spontaneously by one or more people.

This great tool will help you to realise potential solutions or options to overcome your current circumstances and get you to where you want to go or achieve things that you want to achieve.

Drug Use Isn’t Just Bad For Humans – It’s Impacting Animals And Marine Life Too

A new study has shed light on how drugs taken by humans can affect fish. The study showed that brown trout exposed to methamphetamine in their water changed their behaviour, brain function and had long term effects upon their behaviour and natural processes.

Around 269 million people worldwide use drugs each year, and the byproducts end up in our sewers. Sewage treatment plants don’t routinely filter out drugs. One study estimates it’d cost over £36 million to upgrade wastewater treatment plants to remove these chemicals in England and Wales alone.

In a recent study published in the Journal of Experimental Biology, researchers in the Czech Republic investigated how methamphetamine – a stimulant with a growing number of users worldwide – might be affecting wild brown trout.

They examined whether concentrations of methamphetamine and one of its byproducts, amphetamine, which were estimated from other studies that have measured illicit drug concentrations in waterways, could be detected in the brains of brown trout. They also looked at whether these concentrations were enough to cause the animals to become addicted.

To find out what the full results of this study show, how it may affect you and what you can do to help can all be found inside our article!

Nicotine Vs. Dopamine – The Chemical Messenger War And Why People Who Try To Quit Nicotine Keep Failing

Over 95% of people who quit nicotine (smoking, vaping or chewing) without help return to the same habit within approximately 6 months or less.

Our research findings have been proven effective for smoking cessation over and over again. If you’re really serious about quitting smoking, you need to check out our article, it’s one you won’t want to miss!

It’s Time To Give Up the Addict Identity And Become Who Or What You Want To Be

Escaping from active drug and alcohol addiction involves more than just giving up and stopping the physical consumption of alcohol and drugs. The addict will also need to give up, amend or develop a certain parts of their own identity.

For years, the addicts life will have revolved around acquiring and using substance (both drugs and alcohol). This will have impacted not only how they view the world around them, but also how they see themselves.

When they give all this up, it will often leave a hole in their life. Those who carry their “addict identity” with them into recovery often struggle to find success away from their addiction. One of the hardest challenges for people in early sobriety/abstinence is to build a new identity for themselves which doesn’t revolve around substances.

That’s the aim of this article, to help you give up the “addict identity” and become who you want to be and do whatever you want to!