Should IV Illicit Drug Users Be Offered PICC Lines Or Venous Access Devices

Should patients who have known IV addictions be offered a PICC line or similar in order to reduce their risks of infections, blood clots, scarring, circulatory damage/ impairment, injecting into arteries or damaging nerves in the surrounding structures, or should these types of device be avoided in order to reduce the temptation the other associated risks of having a VAD in place for any length of time? This is the topic of todays blog post and we want to know what you think!

Getting Butterflies? Feeling Like Those Flutters Taking Off? Use The Butterfly Hug Technique!

We all experience times when things just get too much, and these can be really scary, especially when you aren’t expecting them. However, having a technique that you can use to rapidly help can be a real comfort, especially when mentally it seems like nothing and no one can help in those scary moments in time.

Make sure that you learn this simple, adaptable and versatile coping strategy to add to your recovery toolbox. It’s one easy technique, but one that can pack a punch alone or in conjunction with other coping strategies!

Nicotine Vs. Dopamine – The Chemical Messenger War And Why People Who Try To Quit Nicotine Keep Failing

Over 95% of people who quit nicotine (smoking, vaping or chewing) without help return to the same habit within approximately 6 months or less.

Our research findings have been proven effective for smoking cessation over and over again. If you’re really serious about quitting smoking, you need to check out our article, it’s one you won’t want to miss!

Your Brain Is A Powerful Ally And Enemy, Want To See!?

When you still use or drink, your brain will do anything and everything to ensure that you have that next hit, pipe, bong, pint, glass or any other. It knows exactly what to say to you, what to make you think or feel in order that you follow through with its desired intentions.

This little experiment will show you first hand what your brain will do, make you think or feel in order to get what it wants.

Who Would You Include In Your Emergency Contact/Next Of Kin Card?

For those of you who still use or drink, or could be at potential risk of overdose or harm, it’s important to have a plan in place, should the worst happen.

Keeping a card with you that provides those who find you and emergency service workers with all of the emergency information they may need and who to contact if something happens to you. ​

Find out what you need to know inside this article!…

How Hangovers Work

Here’s what we know, what we don’t know and how you can use this information to minimise your suffering.

There are many myths and old wives tales that tell you how to avoid hangovers or how to cure them once you have one, but what does the science say about them? Can we actually avoid hangovers or get rid of them with a magic cure?

Keep reading to find out more!…

Therapies Can Be Like Pulling Off A Bandaid/Plaster

Therapies such as counselling, hypnotherapy, EMDR, regression therapies, marriage counselling, anger management and group/family therapies among others are designed to help you move past the point you currently find yourself in, where you are using substances to mask the emotional pain that you experienced and as a protective measure, your body tells you to “forget” about the issue as it’s still emotionally painful to think or speak about so this protective measure can be why you find yourself turning to substances to cope.

Better understanding the benefits of therapy and why you should consider undergoing therapy is going to be a really important decision when it comes to your recovery and moving on from past traumas which may hold you back or cause you to relapse in the future.

It’s OK To Not Be OK!

Sometimes it feels like society says you should be always happy and that showing your sadness is a sign of weakness. This is far from true – if you were to hold in all your sadness or anger you would explode!

Ignoring your feelings and thoughts may help you to manage in the short-term but in the long run, it isn’t healthy or productive for your mental health, physical health or your recovery.

Knowing how and when to employ various positive coping strategies is going to be your best ally when it comes to experiencing your thoughts and feelings in a healthy and constructive way.

How Do I Know If I Am An Addict Or Have A Tendency Towards Addiction?Use Our Addiction Screening Tool To Find Out

We thought we’d go back to basics for those who don’t know anything about addiction, what an addict is, what defines addiction and what options are available.

Knowing the difference between recreational using or drinking and addiction or dependency can be a challenging thing to define. This article will help you to separate addiction from recreational use.

Recognising And Overcoming Behavioural Addictions

Addictions can occur in a wide variety of forms. Often, it is assumed that physical dependence characterised by withdrawal symptoms is required in order for someone to be diagnosed with an addiction use disorder, but the fact is that behavioural addiction can occur with all the negative consequences in a person’s life minus the physical issues faced by people who compulsively engage in drug and alcohol use.

The rituals that occur before, during and after also make up part of the addictive process. For example, cooking heroin in a spoon and putting on a tourniquet can be just as addictive at the heroin itself. Likewise, visit the local shop, knowing that when you get home in 10 minutes, you can drink. These “preparation behaviours” are just as important to highlight and treat.