Downloads And Media

Below you will find resources that will help you throughout your recovery. You can download and print them off to maximise your recovery.


Specific Task Or Activity Weekly Planner

This checklist style planner allows you to tick off specific tasks or activities. This checklist can be expanded to include anything that you need to ensure gets done on a daily or weekly basis.

Fellowship Style Daily Planner/Reminder Checklist

This daily planner/routine is based on a fellowship (AA, NA, CA) style design. You have the option to track appointments, create a gratitude list, box for tracking your Step work and others.

Simple Weekly Planner

This basic weekly routine planner can be used to track activities, achievements, appointments, tasks to do or simply for reminders. It is divided into days across the top and hours/time down the side

Downloadable Files


This file will allow you to download & create your own alcohol calculator wheel. It will allow you to track how many units you are drinking as well as calories and other information based on the type of drink you are drinking and its strength

This file will allow you to download & complete your own drink diary

Diet & Nutrition

This file will give you a 50 page PDF, guiding you through diet, nutrition and meal planning for those still in active addiction, those coming into recovery and those already in recovery

This file will give you a list of the most effective vitamins, minerals & supplements when in active addiction or entering into recovery


This file will give you a downloadable PDF guide to implementing and running an effective, supportive drug & alcohol abuse/addiction support program and policy for your staff & employees

This file will give you a downloadable PDF guide from ACAS to managing alcohol & drug misuse in the work environment as well as tips, tools and ideas to help and support your staff and employees to maximise their care and your staff productivity

This file will give you a downloadable PDF guide from Broadway Lodge to managing alcohol & drug misuse in the work place as well as tips, tools and ideas to help and support your staff and employees

Sex Work/Prostitution

Here you can find harm reduction Initiatives from Harm Reduction International, discussing when sex work and drug use overlap and what can be done about it by clicking here.

AA, NA, CA & Fellowship

Here you can find a link to, an organisation which will help you to better understand fellowship, how to work the steps as well as how to maximise the benefits you get from working the steps in fellowship.

Overdose & First Aid

This file will allow you to download a guide to put someone into the recovery position following an injury, illness or overdose

This file will give you facts & statistics for drug related deaths across the UK


Here is a link to the World Health Organisation (WHO) about substance use disorders and suicide for addicts, friends and families of addicts, general public, healthcare professionals and government. You can access the site by clicking here.

The American Association Of Suicidology provide help, support and free resources for those who feel suicidal, friends and family, healthcare professionals and government. You can find them by clicking this link here.


This file will give you an infographic which explains how the brain works in relation to addiction and what can be done to help repair the damage from chronic addiction

This file will give you a PDF copy of the American Psychological Associations report on “The Changing Gender Composition Of Psychology”.

Survey’s & Government, Organisation Or Charity Documents

This file will give you a PDF version of the complete results and findings from the UK Governments survey, asking others how they judge other people based on the amount of control they perceive the person to have over things like drug and alcohol addiction and personality traits

This file will give you a PDF version of the complete results and findings from the UK Governments survey, asking When it comes down to issues like addiction and obesity, do you believe the reasons why people find themselves in these situations tends to be down to personal choice (e.g. the behaviour could be different if the person was willing to change) or due to factors beyond an individual’s control (e.g. the behaviour is dictated more by genetics, upbringing etc?

The UK Drug Policy Commission’s comprehensive survey and report on attitudes toward drug dependence including public attitudes, clinical findings and statistics including findings surrounding the stigmas, negative attitudes, myths and misconceptions associated with addiction can be found here.

This PDF document provides information regarding Sampling Issues in Drug Epidemiology. You can read the PDF by clicking here.

General/Other Downloads

This file will give you a PDF version of Drug Wise’s drug history timeline

This File Will Give You A 73 Page Anti Stigma Toolkit

This File Will Give You Our Talking Cheat Sheet

Homelessness & Rough Sleeping

This link will give you a report from Crisis, looking at how we can all overcome and end rough Sleeping & homelessness

Harm Reduction

By clicking here, you can read the European Harm Reduction Networks report on the drug consumption rooms across the EU, their best practices and associated challenges.

Babies & Children

This is the first example of The Finnegan Neonatal Abstinence Scoring System. It is used to monitor newborn babies who have neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS).

This is the second example of The Finnegan Neonatal Abstinence Scoring System. It is used to monitor newborn babies who have neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS).

We always welcome communication from those who use our site and resources. If you have any suggestions for resources that you think would help others in their recovery or are looking for something that isn’t here then please get in touch with us. You can e-mail us at:

One of our dedicated crew will respond to your emails within 24 hours.