Our Award Winning Professionals

One of our therapists has won a contribution award for his dedication to his clients and the therapies he offers to addicts, the homeless and those sleeping rough.

He would like to say a big thanks to everyone who nominated and voted for him. You can find out more information about our professional addiction therapies and recovery services in this brief article.

DnD Courses, Workshops And Masterclasses Coming In Jan 2022

This course is currently being designed by industry experts, recovering addicts, addiction campaigners, leading academic researchers and biological scientists to provide a “one stop shop” course to move you from your current situation, no matter whether you are at rock bottom or living an average life in recovery that you would like to improve on, there’s something for everyone.

4 Tips For Asking For Help When Needed

Asking for help usually means you must admit to something you’d prefer not to mention, asking for help means you must admit you need other people and asking for help means you can’t do something by yourself.

It is often said that admitting to yourself that you have a problem with drugs or alcohol is the first step. And while that is a big step – the next one, maybe even bigger: asking for help from someone else.

Here are 4 top tips to remember when asking someone else for help to overcome your addiction to substances.

Time For Immediate Change To The Homeless And Rough Sleeping Crisis Across The UK Since Covid-19

We often overlook the rough-sleepers that we pass in the streets each day, either because we psychologically think if we don’t look, it doesn’t exist or because we are at some level, embarrassed because we don’t know what we can do to help.
In this article, we discuss how you can help those who are homeless or sleeping rough, both directly and indirectly. You can also find help, support and links to other organisations who can help those who are homeless, sleeping rough or at risk of becoming homeless. Keep reading to find out more…

NHS And Private Healthcare Professionals Are Asked Whether Addiction Is A Disease Or A Choice, Find Out What They Said Here!

A Plethora of NHS and private healthcare workers see willpower as the most important component in addiction, but most believe there are also factors outside individual control. Find out all you need to know and more in these gripping results!…