NHS And Private Healthcare Professionals Are Asked Whether Addiction Is A Disease Or A Choice, Find Out What They Said Here!

A Plethora of NHS and private healthcare workers see willpower as the most important component in addiction, but most believe there are also factors outside individual control. Find out all you need to know and more in these gripping results!…

How We Prejudge Or Misjudge Those Afflicted By Addiction, How Others View Addiction And What We Can Do To Promote Change

Is it OK to judge drug addicts & alcoholics? Find out in this article here. Also, how much control do we have over ourselves and our circumstances? It is a simple question, but one with far-reaching implications.

For instance, the level of control you believe someone else has over various aspects of their life would likely impact not just how you might personally judge, say a drug addict, but also your attitudes to whether and how much the state should be willing to help them, what help and treatments are available and many more vital questions that impact addicts and addiction in general.

If we want to change peoples opinions and judgements on issues such as addiction. We need to understand their current thoughts and feelings so that we can provide facts and clarity to benefit, not only the addicts but also society as a whole.

Keep reading to learn more and find out the results that we weren’t able to include in this article.
You don’t want to miss the shocking survey results inside this article!…