7 Things People in Active Addiction Or Recovery Wish You Knew

For many people, a substance addiction aka substance use disorder (SUD) or alcohol use disorder (AUD) was like a living organism that started with the seeds of addiction being planted in our minds. They then slowly grow and grow, constantly stretching its tentacles out of our minds and across our bodies whilst constantly taking a stronger and tighter grip on our body, mind and soul until it reaches the point at which we are completely encased in a thick, black unbreakable case, stronger than platinum or bullet proof glass.

In this article we look at some of the most common misconceptions, lies and myths when it comes to the general public or those who have little to no experience with addictions.
Information gets passed down from parents to children, hence why all of this information is still swimming around out there.

But if we share what we learn with others, challenge wrong information and correct it where you can, the lives of addicts will be much better off. Not only for accessing treatment and therapies, but just to simply tell families and loved ones that they have an addiction without fear of being judged, shamed or even exiled from their families, job and friends just to list a few!…

Recognising Drug And Alcohol Addiction As A Medical Condition & Not A Choice Or Moral Failing

One of the difficulties in recognising drug and alcohol addiction as a disease is it just doesn’t seem like one initially in comparison to others such as diabetes, stroke or blindness.

It doesn’t look, sound, smell and it certainly doesn’t act like a disease. To make matters worse, generally, it denies it exists and resists treatment to the very last second before treatment begins.

Drug and alcohol addiction has been recognised for many years by professional medical organisations such as the NHS, research institutions and leading addiction charities, groups and organisations as a primary, chronic, progressive and also unfortunately sometimes a fatal disease too.

Facts And Figures Of Addiction – Did You Know!?…

These facts, figures and statistics make for an interesting read. Having current, valid knowledge can help us to change the stigma, myths and misinformation still circulating around between people who don’t know better.
Sharing these bits of information is one way we can start to change the opinions of addicts and addiction.